DocHub and PCI DSS compliance

DocHub maintains compliance with PCI Data Security Standards to ensure that your credit card information is safely processed and stored within a secure environment.
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How DocHub ensures the secure handling of cardholder data

Vendor Management
When it comes to PCI DSS compliance, DocHub relies on its payment service providers. As a merchant, DocHub maintains PCI DSS compliance for every payment that it accepts from users. DocHub cooperates only with reputable and secure payment processing providers.
Data storage on PCI-compliant servers
As a card-not-present merchant, DocHub does not store any of your card information on our servers. All cardholder information is handled by our payment service providers that securely store your sensitive data on PCI-compliant servers.
Information security policy update
DocHub regularly reviews policies and procedures to ensure its data processing activities remain in compliance with the latest standards. Additionally, DocHub reviews written agreements with service providers that are responsible for the security of cardholder data.
Vulnerability management
At DocHub, we routinely review every system and its components for vulnerabilities using third-party dependency scanning tools. And we regularly patch our systems to fix bugs or correct security vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

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Industry-leading security and compliance

DocHub complies with industry-leading standards, regulations, and certifications for data security so you can securely edit, fill out, sign, and send documents and forms.

GDPR compliance
Regulates the collection, use, and holding of personal data for EU residents.
PCI DSS certification
Ensures the security of credit and debit card transactions made by a customer.
CCPA compliance
Enhances the privacy rights and protects the personal data of California residents.
SOC 2 certification
Ensures the security of your data and the privacy of your clients.
HIPAA compliance
Protects privacy, security, and integrity of sensitive healthcare information.

What is PCI DSS?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of standards designed to protect credit and debit card transactions against data breaches and fraud. Established by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, a global organization, PCI DSS applies to any organization that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data.

The latest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard includes 12 requirements that organizations must meet to handle cardholder data securely.

These requirements also act as guidelines for best practices in data security:

  1. Install and maintain a firewall to protect cardholder data
  2. Use original, not vendor-supplied passwords across systems to protect cardholder data
  3. Enable two-fold protection and encryption for cardholder data
  4. Encrypt cardholder data that is sent across public networks
  5. Install, regularly patch, and update anti-virus software
  6. Update software and applications that interact with cardholder data
  7. Restrict access to cardholder data
  8. Assign individual credentials and IDs to every person with network access
  9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data
  10. Track and monitor access to cardholder data and network resources
  11. Regularly perform vulnerability testing on active security systems and processes
  12. Maintain a policy that deals with information security for all personnel

Is DocHub PCI compliant?

In addition to regular vulnerability scanning and information security policy updates, DocHub completes the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to ensure that every required security control is in place.

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