Get your documents done on the move, from anywhere

With DocHub mobile app, you can easily edit, annotate, sign, share, and organize documents wherever your day takes you.

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All the PDF tools you need, ready for action wherever you are


Add documents in a few taps. Upload a file from your device, select its photo or snap a picture of your document with your device camera.


Add text in a few taps. Leave comments, highlight or whiteout text, and rearrange pages from your mobile device.


Turn your important documents into templates that you can easily share with others and get them completed anywhere.

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Sign and send

Sign documents using your finger or stylus. Collect signatures from anyone in any order and track document progress from your mobile device.

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Organize and folders

Organize documents by placing them in folders and easily locate the file you need using the quick search tool directly from your mobile device.

How to edit PDF on your iPhone and Android device

Open a PDF
Open existing PDFs or add a new one. Upload files or their photos, or snap a picture of your document in seconds.
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Edit and annotate PDF
Add text and images. Leave comments, highlight, or whiteout text anywhere on the document with a single tap.
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Sign your PDF
Draw, type or take a picture of your signature and add it anywhere on the document. Then, send your PDF out for signing.
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Share or save PDF
Email your PDF, make it publicly accessible, or create a secure link. When completed, download your document or export it to the cloud.
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Your work done faster, anywhere, anytime

Edit, sign and share documents on the go with DocHub mobile app

A powerful PDF toolkit in the palm of your hand
DocHub app works where you do so you can easily access your documents, add new ones, customize text, make annotations, and rearrange pages directly from your mobile device.
Stay connected, anytime
Don't let distance slow down your workflows. Share your documents in a few taps and let others view, edit, or sign them using the device of their choice.
Speed up your document workflows
Get time back by creating templates from your most used documents. Share templates with multiple people from your phone to capture data in minutes.
Get from send to signed in a tap
Sign and collect signatures on the move without missing a beat. Open the DocHub app, create an eSignature request, specify who needs to sign, and tap send.
Keep documents on track everywhere
Check up on your document progress wherever you are. Get real-time alerts on your mobile device every time your documents are opened, viewed, and finalized.
Keep your docs organized and secure
Save time tracking down documents. Place them in folders and use search to quickly find the document you need right from your phone.
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Secure your documents with confidence

  • Secure document transfers with end-to-end encryption.
  • Password protect your document data.
  • Enable two-factor authentication to ensure only authorized recipients have access to your documents.
  • View all the document actions taken by the users through a detailed Audit Trail.
  • Use DocHub app to create legally-binding eSignatures certified under the ESIGN Act.

Try the DocHub mobile app to easily work with documents from anywhere

Stay one step ahead with the DocHub mobile app

Many individuals and entrepreneurs are constantly on the go. As such, they need fast and easy access to their documents. Regardless of your document workflow's complexity, the DocHub mobile app makes it easy to review and approve documents from anywhere. With the DocHub app for Android and iOS, you can easily upload, edit, and share documents on the go.

Collaborate with your team, review a document's audit trail, and more in a single tap. Take advantage of robust and compliant document management tools and organize your documents without breaking a sweat.

How to manage your documents with the DocHub mobile app:

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play to get the app.
  2. Install and log in to your account or register a new one.
  3. Upload a document from your device or a cloud storage service.
  4. Edit your document: add text, fillable fields, images, and other elements.
  5. Assign people to fields or eSign your document right away.
  6. Save your changes or send a Sign request to other contributors.

Introduce a powerful smartphone app to your daily document management. Polish your documents to the highest quality, reclaim your office hours, and improve your response rate to key workflows. Start your free DocHub account today.