DocHub for Box

Connect DocHub to Box to easily create and distribute fillable forms, access Box files, and edit, annotate, and sign documents.
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Edit PDFs

Easily access Box files

Import Box documents to DocHub with a single click and instantly start customizing them without leaving your DocHub account.

Connect DocHub

Edit and annotate PDFs online

Make your Box documents look professional. Type, highlight, or white out text. Add comments and drawings. Merge, add, or rotate pages online.

Sign eSignatures

Build and share fillable forms and reusable templates

Turn any file from Box into an interactive form or make a template that you can reuse multiple times. Add fillable fields, assign roles, and share your forms with others via email or URL.

Build PDF forms

Sign and collect eSignatures

Sign documents stored in your Box account or request signatures from others in a role-based order or all at once.

Improve collaboration and productivity

Work together on Box files directly from DocHub. Leave comments and set access permissions to let others view or edit your documents.

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Work uninterrupted

Easily access Box files from your DocHub account. Make edits or create and share reusable templates and forms to easily capture data.

Keep sensitive data secure

DocHub uses access control, encrypted folders, and two-factor authentication as additional layers of security for your Box files.

Drive your business forward

Storing business documents in Box? Get them signed in minutes using DocHub. With instant email notifications, you won't miss any changes.

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Connect your favorite apps to DocHub

Get started for free

Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
DocHub integration with Box connects two powerful software to create the most efficient document management tool. The DocHub integration allows you to access Box cloud storage without switching apps or transferring your files manually. Edit, eSign, and collaborate on your documents anywhere, anytime.
The process of setting up your DocHub for Box integration is easy and fast. Have your DocHub account credentials ready or register for a free trial account. Log in to connect DocHub to your Box account and select the PDF you want to work on. Choose Open With > Connect, then click on Connect. Enjoy DocHub editing, eSign, and collaboration features, and instantly start managing your document.
DocHub integration with Box provides you with a plethora of opportunities to manage, edit, create, and eSign your documents wherever you are. With DocHub, you can:
  • Create templates and convenient PDF forms.
  • Use annotation tools: add text and images. Whiteout, underline, or strikeout text. Comment and stamp.
  • Apply form field tools: add text, dropdown, checkbox, date, and paragraph fields.
  • eSign your documents, which will carry the same legal weight as a traditional wet ink signature.
  • Reorder, merge different PDF files, and rotate your documents.
  • Manage your document anywhere with a convenient smartphone app.
Yes. DocHub integration with Box uses encryption and top-notch security standards to protect all your data. DocHub's technical infrastructure is based on Amazon Web Services SOC 2 and complies with standard security protocols. DocHub is compliant with GDPR and doesn't share, sell, or trade your private information with third parties.
In addition to DocHub for Box integration, you can connect DocHub with other popular cloud storage services and document management solutions. For instance, you can integrate your workflows with Google Classroom, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. Choose the best solution to integrate with DocHub and streamline all your document management processes in one click.