DocHub for Google Classroom

Use DocHub to create an engaging and effective learning environment for students and teachers. Edit, collaborate on, sign, and share documents without leaving Google Classroom.
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Edit PDFs

Export files to Google Classroom faster

Open Google Classroom documents in DocHub with a single click, then export finalized assignments back to Google Classroom or store them in Google Drive.

Connect DocHub

Edit PDFs assigned in Google Classroom

Use DocHub's toolset to edit assignments, highlight text, add images, strike out unnecessary information, and leave comments anywhere in a document.

Sign eSignatures

Sign PDFs from Google Classroom

Draw, type, or upload an image of your signature to Google Classroom documents and send them to be signed by others in seconds.

Build PDF forms

Create and share PDF forms and templates

Transform your static documents into interactive forms that you can email or make public via URL. You can also turn your most-used documents into templates for quick distribution.

Complete assignments with an array of digital tools

Use one solution instead of many to edit, annotate, and share assignments, lesson plans, and worksheets directly from Google Classroom.

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Capture data online

DocHub fillable forms allow you to simplify course enrollment, track student attendance or gather feedback in Google Classrooms.

Collect signatures faster

Collect teacher and student signatures faster than ever. Set signing orders, add roles, and keep track of every signature in real time.

Create a collaborative learning environment

DocHub enables students and teachers to interact with each other using reusable templates and role-based document access permissions.

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Simplify your document workflows within the Google ecosystem

Use DocHub to edit, annotate, sign, and share documents right from your favorite Google Apps
Install from Google Workspace Marketplace

Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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DocHub integration with Google Classroom is the fastest and easiest way to modify PDF documents during distance learning. It saves a lot of time for teachers and students to edit files in their Class without leaving the service or switching between windows and tabs.
Yes, you can set up Google Classroom - DocHub integration for free. Once you connect the services, you’ll be able to edit PDFs with the features available in your subscription plan. There are no extra charges for the integration.
To integrate DocHub with Google Classroom, go to a Classwork, right-click on an assignment, choose a PDF for editing, and click the Open with button in the top right corner of the screen. Select the Connect more apps option from the dropdown menu, find our editor in the list of tools, and follow the installation instructions.
After you set up the integration, DocHub for Google Classroom will be available from the Open with menu in the PDF preview in your Classroom. Select it from the list of tools in the dropdown to open a document in your DocHub account for editing.
DocHub integration with Google Classroom enables you to quickly make edits to the documents in your virtual Class without leaving the service. In your PDF preview, click Open with ⇒ DocHub and open the file in the editor. You can add and redact the text in your document, insert images and graphics, add fillable fields, and more. You can save the paperwork to your Classroom as a new copy or as an updated and revised version of the original file. Also, save other previously edited documents from the editor directly to your learning platform account.