DocHub for Google Contacts

Connect DocHub to Google Contacts to easily share and collaborate on documents and keep your address book up to date.
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Edit PDFs

Import Google Contacts to DocHub

Import your Google Contacts to DocHub to quickly auto-fill email addresses for your saved contacts.

Connect DocHub

Edit and share documents with Google contacts

Make necessary edits to your document, redact it, leave comments, and more. Then, share your document with Google contacts directly from DocHub.

Sign eSignatures

Sign and send PDFs

Sign a document yourself or request signatures from your Google contacts. You can set a specific signing order or let recipients sign simultaneously.

Build PDF forms

Build and distribute fillable forms

Create a fillable form by adding different types of fields. Share your form via email with your Google contacts or send its URL for anyone to sign and complete.

Get signatures faster

Send your documents to be signed by others in minutes from anywhere. No need to spend days chasing down people for signatures.

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Boost teamwork

With role-based document access, reusable templates, and real-time notifications, your teamwork can work productively from anywhere.

Ensure document security

Use DocHub password protection, encrypted folders, and two-factor authentication to securely share and work on documents.

Simplify routine document workflows

From PDF editing, form creation, and eSignatures to diverse sharing options - DocHub makes it easy to get your documents done online.

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Simplify your document workflows within the Google ecosystem

Use DocHub to edit, annotate, sign, and share documents right from your favorite Google Apps
Install from Google Workspace Marketplace

Got questions?

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The DocHub integration with Google Contacts is a DocHub feature that streamlines how you work with documents and allows you to share documents with people from your Google Contacts. After you link your DocHub profile to your Google Contacts, you can send files to people in your Contacts directly from the DocHub interface. No need to memorize email addresses or copy them from your contact list.
The DocHub integration with Google Contacts will save you time when sharing files with people you know. With this integration, you do not need to create a separate contact list. All your Google Contacts will be accessible and up to date right from the DocHub interface. This integration will prevent the mess that having multiple contact lists and notes may cause.
The DocHub and Google Contacts integration can easily be set up in a few minutes. All you need to do is find DocHub in the Google Workspace Marketplace and hit the install button. Then, you will see the pop-up window asking you for the necessary permissions (one of these is access to Google Contacts). Approve all the permissions to install the application, and it will be good to go. When the application is running, you can find people from your Google Contacts in the recipient suggestions.
There are no additional fees for the Google Contacts - DocHub integration. Your pre-selected DocHub plan determines the number of DocHub features you have access to, but the integration with Google Contacts is available in every plan.
No. DocHub integration with Google Contacts is easy and available for any user regardless of their previous experience with such software. Just find the DocHub application, and the interface will guide you through the installation, which takes no more than a few minutes.