Google Security Assessment for DocHub

As a deeply integrated solution with the Google environment, DocHub passes regular Google Security Assessments so you can confidently edit, sign, share and store documents directly from your favorite Google apps, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Chrome, and more.
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DocHub security best practices for Google users

Access control
In the DocHub AWS environment, we limit a person's access on a need-to-know basis and practice to provide access only for task performance purposes. Additionally, DocHub has transitioned all resources from default security groups to custom security groups to control incoming and outgoing traffic.
Security awareness program
DocHub team members play a crucial role in helping prevent data security breaches. The entire DocHub team completes mandatory security training programs that help to strengthen the company's global security integrity.
Multi-factor authentication
DocHub has enforced multi-factor authentication to help protect accounts from external attacks. For accounts with administrator-level access permissions, DocHub requires multiple methods of verification.
Anti-malware management
To prevent unauthorized access to Google user data, exposing sensitive user information, and account theft, DocHub uses an anti-malware solution to scan, identify, and protect against known malware.
Patch management
To ensure that the application is up to date and running smoothly, DocHub systematically deploys application updates and validates the installation of those updates. The patch management process at DocHub is precisely defined and prevents vulnerabilities from affecting an organization.
Encryption of Google user data
DocHub delivers a higher level of data security and privacy to Google users by employing data encryption. All data moved between DocHub and Google services is encrypted in transit, while all data received and stored by DocHub servers is encrypted at rest.

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Get your documents done with ease, no matter your location. DocHub is connected with popular web applications so you can edit, sign, and share documents right from your favorite apps.

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Industry-leading security and compliance

DocHub complies with industry-leading standards, regulations, and certifications so you can securely edit, fill out, sign, and send documents and forms.

GDPR compliance
Regulates the collection, use, and holding of personal data for EU residents.
PCI DSS certification
Ensures the security of credit and debit card transactions made by a customer.
CCPA compliance
Enhances the privacy rights and protects the personal data of California residents.
SOC 2 certification
Ensures the security of your data and the privacy of your clients.
HIPAA compliance
Protects privacy, security, and integrity of sensitive healthcare information.

What is Google Security Assessment?

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Google Security Assessment is an evaluation of the technology and processes of third-party applications that use Google APIs to build features for Google users. The assessment was introduced in 2019 alongside Gmail API policies with an aim to protect Google user data from breaches. Since then, all applications that access specific Gmail APIs are required to pass security assessments on an annual basis.

Process overview

Google's security review consists of a number of steps that differ depending on the type of application and the work it performs. Typically, these steps include:

  • Cloud security review
  • Penetration testing
  • Design review
  • Questionnaires
  • Contractual protections

After each step is completed, an organization receives recommendations or requirements to remediate gaps in its security structure.

DocHub compliance

Since DocHub uses Google API Services to sign in with Google and access a user's Google Drive and Gmail via their restricted scopes, our application is required to regularly undergo a security assessment. For this purpose, we employ Bishop Fox, an authorized Google-empaneled third-party assessor and a leader in offensive security.

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