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Be honest but don't exaggerate. Be specific about your limitations. If you do not clearly describe your limitations or give vague answers on your Adult Function Report, Social Security will take that to mean your disability really isn't that bad and you should have no problem returning to work.
Social Security pays five types of benefits: Retirement. Disability. Spouse's/dependent children. Survivors. Medicare.
0:48 6:49 How to Fill Out the Social Security Work History Report Form (SSA ... YouTube Start of suggested clip End of suggested clip So what you do is you list the job titles that you've had in the last. 15 years before the onsetMoreSo what you do is you list the job titles that you've had in the last. 15 years before the onset date of disability. And keep it simple don't use fancy terms like managers. And supervisors.
Form SSA-3369-BK is a work history report for adults who are seeking to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. The information within the report is used to determine whether the applicant meets the SSA's qualifications to be considered disabled.
Third Party Adult Function Report is a form that Social Security sometimes send to your contact person. This form is usually sent out two or three months after you first apply. It is also sometimes used during Continuing Disability Reviews, for people who are already on disability.
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If SSA reaches out to your contacts, they will receive Form SSA-3380-BK or the Third Party Function Form. This does not mean that there is a problem with your application, but it does mean your case was not clear-cut. The form asks your contacts very detailed questions about your ability to function in daily life.
In fact, the SSA directs form 821-BK to an individual who is already receiving disability insurance benefits (which means they are considered disabled and cannot be working) to make sure that the beneficiary hasn't been doing any work activity since the alleged onset date.
The Work History Report (SSA-3369) helps Disability Determination Services (DDS) to obtain detailed vocational information about the jobs the applicant held in the 15 years prior to becoming unable to work due to his or her illnesses, injuries, or conditions.
For each employer you list, include as much information as possible. This will help the SSA accurately assess your work history. Include the type of business, employment dates, job titles, and earnings. If your job title does not accurately describe your position, write down what you did instead.
Social Security periodically reviews your medical impairment(s) to determine if you continue to have a disabling condition. If we determine that you are no longer disabled or blind, your benefits will stop. We call this review a Continuing Disability Review (CDR).

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