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You must obtain a Washoe County business license if: The business location address is in the unincorporated area of Washoe County. The business is mobile and you will be doing business in the unincorporated area of Washoe County.
NRS 76 requires all business, corporations, and partnerships operating in the state of Nevada to register have a state business license. Please visit the Secretary of States website for more information.
A business license is required in the City of Reno if: The business location address is located within the City of Reno. Any business activity will be physically conducted within City of Reno limits.
You must obtain a Washoe County business license if: The business location address is in the unincorporated area of Washoe County. The business is mobile and you will be doing business in the unincorporated area of Washoe County.
Reno Municipal Code requires that you obtain a license when you conduct any business activity within the City even if your business is located outside the city limits or you have a business license from another city.
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People also ask

How Much Does a Business License Cost in Nevada? In the state of Nevada, the business license fee is $200 for most entities. For corporations, the fee is $500. Business licenses must be renewed annually and the fee and renewal forms are due on the last day of the anniversary month on which the license was first filed.
In the State of Nevada, all businesses are required to obtain a business license within the city / county in which they operate. Visit your countys website to download the appropriate forms. Some cities may charge additional fees depending on your business type.
State law requires that every person or entity doing business in the state of Nevada obtain a business license annually. A business that meets the criteria shall not do business in the state of Nevada without the State Business License. Certain businesses may be exempt from the State Business License requirement.
All Washoe County business license applicants need to register with the Nevada Secretary of State for a state business registration. Their applications are on-line at You may also register with them in person at their office located at 202 North Carson Street, Carson City.
For instance, authorities, nonprofit, non-secular entities, charitable organizations, and fraternal organizations are exempt from the legal license guidelines. The Nevada Division of Taxation has State Business License documents that will help you determine whether your business needs a license.

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