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DEADLINE: After being served, the Respondent has 20 days to file an answer admitting or denying each of the claims contained in the petition.
When a party does not respond to a petition, a default divorce can be entered. Typically, when served with a Florida divorce petition, there are only 20 days to file a response. If a response is not filed on time, the petitioner (person filing the case) can request a default divorce be entered against the other party.
Filing Fees The court charges to process a divorce. This charge is called a filing fee. Most Florida counties charge $408 to file a divorce, but a few charge $409. Duval County will penalize you for not having an attorney and will add an extra $12 to the cost.
Filing Fees The court charges to process a divorce. This charge is called a filing fee. Most Florida counties charge $408 to file a divorce, but a few charge $409. Duval County will penalize you for not having an attorney and will add an extra $12 to the cost.
The answer is: filing a Counter-Petition for Dissolution of Marriage protects you from having your case dismissed even when you still want to get a divorce. When a party files a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, they are asking the court to open their case and grant their divorce.
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People also ask

The main difference Both divorce and dissolution are ways to end a legally binding relationship; however the key difference between the two is that where divorce is for legally married couples, dissolution is usually for those in a civil partnership.
You have to file counter (reply) to the allegation stated against you by you husband in the divorce petition. You have to refuse each and every allegation mentioned in the divorce petition. It will be easy to get the divorce on the ground of crulty. It would be difficult to prove the cruelty before the court.
Once the original petition is filed, the next step in a divorce for the respondent, the person on whom the petition is served, to compose and file an answer to the petition for the dissolution of marriage. The respondent has twenty days from when the papers are served to respond.
Once you file your counter-petition, you are known as the Respondent/Counter-Petitioner\u201d. With your Counter-Petition now on file, the Petitioner must respond to your factual claims made in your Counter-Petition, by either admitting or denying the allegations.
counterpetition in British English (\u02c8ka\u028ant\u0259p\u026a\u02cct\u026a\u0283\u0259n ) civil law. a formal request for legal action submitted to a court by a respondent who has received a petition.

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