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A Civil Protection Order or Civil Stalking Protection Order can last up to five years and possibly be renewed for an additional five years. Can I get a Criminal Protection Order any time?
Complete a "Complaint for Parentage, Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities (Custody), Parenting Time (Companionship and Visitation)" form. This form is available at By filling out this form, you can request a parenting plan and child support obligation from the court.
More specifically, federal courts hear criminal, civil, and bankruptcy cases. And once a case is decided, it can often be appealed.
The courts of common pleas have original jurisdiction in all criminal felony cases and original jurisdiction in all civil cases in which the amount in controversy is generally more than $15,000. Courts of common pleas have appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state administrative agencies.
Visitation Rights in Ohio Even when one parent has sole parental rights over a child, both parents are entitled to regular visitation with their children. Ohio visitation laws specify that each parent is entitled to a least minimum visitation, unless the child's safety or well-being would be put at risk.
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People also ask

Cases heard in the Court of Common Pleas involve civil disputes between two or more parties. The party initiating the action is the plaintiff, the party against whom the action is brought is the defendant.
Step 1: Go to circuit court and request a petition. Go to the circuit court where you live, where the abuser lives, or where the abuse occurred. ... Step 2: Fill out the petition. Carefully fill out the petition. ... Step 3: A judge will review your petition. ... Step 4: Service of process. ... Step 5: The hearing.
1. Custody Petition, (Form 580, Parent or Non-Parent) & (Visitation Petition) (Form 585), is simply a sworn request of the Hamilton County Juvenile Court to grant temporary legal custody or parenting rights to the petitioner. Motions are applicable when a modification action is filed on an existing case.
1925.02 governs Ohio's small claims courts and provides that the courts have jurisdiction over civil claims to recover money and taxes only, and currently limits the amount to $3,000. O.R.C. 1925.10 provides for transferring of cases that exceed the $3,000 limit.
In Ohio, you can initiate a civil lawsuit by filing a complaint in the Court of Common Pleas. One of these courts is located in each of Ohio's 88 counties, and the general division hears most civil cases.

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