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as a real estate agent it is one of the dreaded phone calls that you receive sometimes and you find out that your client wants to terminate the contract Im Tiffany Weber Im a North Carolina real estate attorney in Mooresville and I practice at Thomas and Weber we put out real estate law educational videos like this one today Im going to talk you through who can terminate in the contract and standard offer to purchase and how do you terminate it is no fun we know that its not ideal and it may be tempting to just send over a quick text to the other side but you have to be sure to execute the termination in the correct way to make sure that you have actually canceled the contract and that youre not inadvertently still under contract again this is assuming youre using the July 2022 version thats the new version that has come out always check your form to make sure that youre using the most current version so thats what well be talking through today all right so first who can term