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2007 4 Satisfied (38 Votes)
2002 4.9 Satisfied (48 Votes)
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The pollen of one parent plant is transferred onto the stigma, using a simple tool such as a cotton bud or toothbrush. When this is done on the same plant, it is called self-pollination. However, when this is done on a different plant, called cross-pollination, the result is a new orchid hybrid.
The steps are as follows: Select from a shortlist of hybrids shown either in photos or you might prefer to see them in real life, in a farm. OSSEA will register the name, together with the parents, with Royal Horticultural Society in UK \u2013 the only world authority for orchid registration.
Orchid breeders have created more than 100,000 orchid hybrids over the years, and a large percentage of orchids that are being sold today are artificially created hybrids.
The pollen of one parent plant is transferred onto the stigma, using a simple tool such as a cotton bud or toothbrush. When this is done on the same plant, it is called self-pollination. However, when this is done on a different plant, called cross-pollination, the result is a new orchid hybrid.
An orchid hybrid is the result of cross- pollinating two orchids to create a new variety. Orchid growers hybridize orchids for specific traits, including flower form, color, size, fragrance, and longevity.
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Steps to register a new orchid hybrid name with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Flower your new unregistered orchid hybrid; again, you can check if a cross has been registered on the RHS site. Create an account on the RHS site. ... Take photos of your plant and flower. Begin the register process, here on the RHS site.
Like most plants, orchids are able to reproduce themselves in two different ways; the one way sexually by seed, and the other asexually by vegetative propagation. For the beginner, vegetative propagation is commonly used to build up one's orchid collection.
Orchid names can be divided into two broad groups: species and hybrids. Orchid species occur naturally in the wild and names consist of the genus name and the specific epithet or species name (e.g., Cattleya mossiae).
Orchids are often associated with love, beauty, luxury, and purity. In ancient history, the Greeks and Romans often associated Orchids with virility and love. In Greek culture, people even believed in eating orchids for many fertility-related benefits. During the Victorian era, orchids were known as a symbol of luxury.
The pollen of one parent plant is transferred onto the stigma, using a simple tool such as a cotton bud or toothbrush. When this is done on the same plant, it is called self-pollination. However, when this is done on a different plant, called cross-pollination, the result is a new orchid hybrid.

royal horticultural society orchid register