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The maximum number of points that can be awarded by each board member is 150 points, total. The total points for all the voting board members are totaled and then divided by the number of board members. It results in an "average score" by the board. That becomes the soldier's "promotion board points" (maximum of 150).
0:32 5:22 DA Form 3355 Promotion Points Worksheet (Army Reserve) - Part 1 YouTube Start of suggested clip End of suggested clip You start by filling out your name your date of birth. Today's day of the day you filling out theMoreYou start by filling out your name your date of birth. Today's day of the day you filling out the form your organization keep in mind recommended grade is going to be the next higher grade.
2. Soldiers can log in by using the PPW link found on the HRC Promotion's Website: see [Figure 3]. 3. The PPW login screen will appear.
HRC will publish all monthly cutoff score memorandums (Regular Cutoff Scores and Temporary promotion cutoff scores) and a by-name list to be used for promotable Soldiers in the ranks of SPC/CPL and SGT in accordance with (IAW) reference B, on/around the 15th calendar day of each month.
Military Education: one of the fastest way to earn points for military education is through Correspondence, ALMS, JKO courses or Skill port courses. You can earn a total of 78 promotion points for SGT and 84 for SSG through online courses and hands down is the fastest and easiest of any way to gain any points.
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0:32 5:22 DA Form 3355 Promotion Points Worksheet (Army Reserve) - Part 1 YouTube Start of suggested clip End of suggested clip You start by filling out your name your date of birth. Today's day of the day you filling out theMoreYou start by filling out your name your date of birth. Today's day of the day you filling out the form your organization keep in mind recommended grade is going to be the next higher grade.
Army Training Requirements and Resources System Courses: You can receive four promotion points per week (40 training hours) for courses that are formally listed in ATTRS. You could receive these promotion points even if the course was a mandatory requirement for your MOS.
The maximum number of points that can be awarded by each board member is 150 points, total. The total points for all the voting board members are totaled and then divided by the number of board members. It results in an "average score" by the board. That becomes the soldier's "promotion board points" (maximum of 150).
Awards and Medals Soldier's Medal or higher award/decoration40Army Commendation Medal20Joint Service Achievement Medal10Army Achievement Medal10Good Conduct Medal1012 more rows • 8 Apr 2020
The DA 3355 is used to update a soldier's promotion points and the information contained within the form may be disclosed to DA officials only. The disclosure and filing processes are voluntary.
