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Two notable geographic features are found in the county, the Salton Sea, at 235 feet (72 m) below sea level, and the Algodones Dunes, one of the largest dune fields in America. The Chocolate Mountains are located east of the Salton Sea, and extend in a northwestsoutheast direction for approximately 60 miles (97 km).
Imperial Valley has a well-known reputation for midwinter salad vegetables. Shipments of crisphead lettuce, leaf lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage start in December and continue until March. Asparagus is in-season January, February and March. Carrots are harvested January to June.
The Imperial County Division includes the seven cities in Imperial County and provides members with the opportunity to exchange ideas and information and share the advantages of cooperative advocacy. The division is guided by an executive committee under the leadership of a division president.
Imperial Valley was named by the Imperial Land Company, in the hopes of attracting settlers. It is now the home of the El Centro metropolitan area and also an economic center of Californias government defined South Border. Locally, the terms Imperial Valley and Imperial County are used synonymously.
Imperial Valley Press | 205 N. 8th Street El Centro, CA 92243-2641. (760) 337-3400.

La gente también pregunta

This valley, also known as the Salton Sink, the Salton Basin, and the Salton Trough, is actually an extension of the Gulf of California, cut off from the Gulf by the Colorado Rivers delta fan. The valley was renamed Imperial by turn-of-the-century land investors.
With a crime rate for both violent and property crime combined of 4 per 1,000 residents, the crime rate in Imperial is one of the lower rates in America among communities of all sizes (lower than 84% of Americas communities). Ones chance of becoming a victim of crime in Imperial is one in 269.
The largest Imperial County racial/ethnic groups are Hispanic (85.1%) followed by White (9.7%) and Black (2.5%).
Table PopulationMean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2017-202122.0Income PovertyMedian household income (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021$49,078Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021$19,00557 more rows
Brawley is the center of the greatest proven producing area in the United States a claim sustained by its annual record of produce shipments, and its accredited rank as the second busiest produce shipping point in California.

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