Easily integrate DocHub with Google Drive to Edit PDF online

Simplify document collaboration with DocHub's Google Drive integration. Edit PDF, import, edit, and sign documents directly from your Drive to ensure a streamlined workflow for seamless document management.
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How to Integrate DocHub with Google Drive to Edit PDF online

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Most document management tasks require too much time just to find a document at its source, add it, and open it in an editor. Typically, it takes minutes, but if you have to do the same thing on a daily basis, it can consume a considerable number of your overall working hours. To save time and eliminate the manual process, you can Edit PDF directly from DocHub with Google Drive integration. This way, you can just open the file from your storage and start working on it right away.

Easily Edit PDF online using the Google Drive integration with DocHub

  1. Navigate to the DocHub website and log in to your account. If you are a new user, you can rapidly register using your active email address. After you register, your free trial offer starts.
  2. On the Dashboard, link your file by clicking New Document.
  3. Once the window for adding a document appears, choose your storage link and Edit PDF in Google Drive via DocHub.
  4. Verify your account to connect it with the platform and simply edit forms there.
  5. Introduce the modifications you need in the document using the editing tools.
  6. Create your eSignature in the form if needed.
  7. Save your changes in the paperwork by keeping it in your history, downloading it on your device, or importing it back to the cloud.

Use DocHub to improve your document management processes and simplify your work with files, wherever they are stored.

integration spotlight

Get work done in Google Drive

With DocHub's PDF editing and eSignature capabilities integrated in Google Drive, you can effortlessly edit, sign, and share any Google Drive document, from anywhere. Once finalized, export the document back to your Drive with a click.

Award-winning solution, recognized for ease of use and excellence

Easiest to do business with: Winter 2024 High performer: Americas, Winter 2024 Leader: Winter 2024 Momentumm leader: Winter 2024 High performer: Winter 2024

Maximize your productivity in Google Drive with DocHub

Improve teamwork

Collaborate on Google Drive documents by allowing others to edit or view them while staying in the loop with real-time notifications.

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Streamline routine document workflows

Easily customize documents stored in Google Drive or turn them into reusable templates for quick distribution and data collection.

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Do business faster from anywhere

Storing contracts in Google Drive? DocHub’s legally-binding eSignatures take them from stored to signed in minutes.

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Ensure document security

Use DocHub password protection, end-to-end encryption, and two-factor authentication to securely work with documents stored in Google Drive.

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DocHub users are making their document workflows a breeze right from Google Drive

Very handy to have an easy app to use which includes a signature and allows you to edit PDFs from Google Drive
It's easy to upload a document from my PC/laptop or even from Google Drive.
Stuart B., Project Manager
Super user friendly! I'm using this app vs others because of privacy-- with this app I can choose which files to share vs my entire Google Drive.
Very easy to use as an esignature platform. It's also great that I am able to connect seamlessly with my Google drive.
Clare Alvarez

Industry-leading security and compliance

DocHub complies with industry-leading standards, regulations, and certifications to ensure the most effective and secure workflows.

GDPR compliance
Regulates the collection, use, and holding of personal data for EU residents.
PCI DSS certification
Ensures the security of credit and debit card transactions made by a customer.
CPRA compliance
Enhances the privacy rights and protects the personal data of California residents.
SOC 2 certification
Ensures the security of your data and the privacy of your clients.
HIPAA compliance
Protects privacy, security, and integrity of sensitive healthcare information.

Why choose DocHub?

Powerful features in the free version

DocHub offers free access to premium tools without any time limits or hidden costs. Test out DocHub's advanced functionality with a free 30-day trial.

Google integrations

DocHub is deeply integrated with the Google ecosystem, making it super easy to edit, sign, and manage documents without leaving your favorite Google Apps.


DocHub ensures the security of your data with 256-bit SSL encryption, OAuth 2.0 authentication, and encrypted storage.

Get started for free
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Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
The Google Drive integration for DocHub enables you to safely and efficiently import and export files to and from Google Drive. It is possible to Edit PDF, rotate your documents, collect signatures, and even more. Just link DocHub via Google Workspace Marketplace or Chrome Store and improve documents without having to break a sweat. Ensure your data and forms are correct, updated on time, and protected.
DocHub offers various capabilities and tools to work on your documents securely. Start your free 30-day trial to uncover the benefits of a user-friendly and versatile solution that benefits your everyday document workflows. Edit PDF, connect with other applications, and work on any platform.
First, connect your Google account with DocHub to freely transfer and export files in between platforms. Then, open your Google Drive and select the PDF file you want to work on. Right-click on the file, select Open With, and pick DocHub. Wait for your file to open within our editor and begin making adjustments. Simply Edit PDF and share your document with other contributors.
Yes, you may invite your colleagues and team to collaborate on the document from Google Drive even if they don’t have a DocHub account. Just supply access rights to specific recipients and enjoy an effortless document cooperation within a couple of clicks.
Adding the Google Drive integration regular DocHub document workflows helps save working hours while boosting productivity and information accuracy. With it, it is simple to import and export files all set for eSigning without manually moving them among platforms. Relieve your day-to-day workflows, Edit PDF, and save your files with a simple mouse click while working on other files in DocHub.