Secure your document workflow with an SOC 2 verified vendor

DocHub is a SOC 2-certified solution that abides by principles of data security. With DocHub, you can edit and share PDFs, add and collect eSignatures, and fill out and publish forms without putting data security at risk.
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DocHub ensures the safety and confidentiality of your data in accordance with SOC 2

Advanced Audit trail
DocHub provides a comprehensive Audit trail that logs all activities in your document, including timestamps, IP addresses, emails, browser versions, views, and more. You can download a detailed Audit trail and use it to ensure information integrity.
DocHub takes the security of your data seriously by encrypting it in transit to prevent it from being visible in case of unauthorized access. Similarly, DocHub encrypts data at rest — when stored or not moving through the network.
Certified document copies
Documents you sign and complete with DocHub may be downloaded using the embedded digital signature that protects against modification. DocHub's digital signatures embed information about signers, including their name, email, and geolocation.
Document privacy
All documents that you upload to DocHub are private by default. You can easily manage privacy settings by making your document public or adding an additional layer of security. You can set different levels of access or protect your document with a password.
Adherence to compliance regulations
Your data security and privacy are a top priority for DocHub. We use multiple security methods, complete regular audits, and comply with industry-leading and international security standards - all to keep your data safe.
Physical security
DocHub hosts its technical infrastructure on Amazon Web Services data centers that maintain their own SOC 2 Type II attestation. With AWS physical security controls, your data is protected from unauthorized access.

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Get your documents done with ease from wherever you are. DocHub is connected with popular web applications so you can edit, sign, and share documents right from your favorite apps.

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Industry-leading security and compliance

DocHub complies with industry-leading standards, regulations, and certifications so you can securely edit, fill out, sign, and send documents and forms.

GDPR compliance
Regulates the collection, use, and holding of personal data for EU residents.
PCI DSS certification
Ensures the security of credit and debit card transactions made by a customer.
CCPA compliance
Enhances the privacy rights and protects the personal data of California residents.
SOC 2 certification
Ensures the security of your data and the privacy of your clients.
HIPAA compliance
Protects privacy, security, and integrity of sensitive healthcare information.

What is SOC 2 compliance?

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System Organization Control is a security framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to manage and store customer data. SOC 2 standards are built around five Trust Services Criteria that span security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. The SOC 2 certification is issued by an independent auditor responsible for evaluating a company's security posture in accordance with these Trust Services Criteria.

There are two types of SOC reports. Type I is an attestation of compliance at a specific point in time, while Type II is an attestation over a specific period of time (usually a year). Type I describes an organization's systems and evaluates whether they meet the trust service criteria. Type II confirms an organization's ability to operate effectively throughout a specific period of time.

After each step is completed, an organization receives recommendations or requirements to remediate gaps in its security structure.

Who needs to comply

Any business across the financial, healthcare, and education industries collecting, storing, or processing sensitive information must be SOC 2 compliant.

DocHub's SOC Type II audit was performed by an independent auditor. The report provides details about how DocHub ensures data security in accordance with industry-specific standards and trust service criteria.

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