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Iowa requires LLCs to register a DBA name when operating a new business that isn't a part of the LLC. Without a DBA, every individual business that a limited liability company owns and operates would have the same LLC name.
In Iowa, any business that wishes to do business using a different name than what the business was formed under must file for a DBA (\u201cdoing business as\u201d). A DBA is an additional legal name for a business entity. It is also referred to as a trade name or fictitious name.
After you've got a usable name, you have to file the paperwork and pay filing fees. Sole proprietorships and partnerships will have to file their DBA with the local county recorder in the county where their business operates. Corporations and LLCs have to file with the Iowa Secretary of State.
Any name used for business (also sometimes called a trade name) that doesn't contain the legal name of the owner/sole proprietor is called a fictitious business name (FBN).
In Iowa, any business that wishes to do business using a different name than what the business was formed under must file for a DBA (\u201cdoing business as\u201d). A DBA is an additional legal name for a business entity. It is also referred to as a trade name or fictitious name.
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Iowa requires LLCs to register a DBA name when operating a new business that isn't a part of the LLC. Without a DBA, every individual business that a limited liability company owns and operates would have the same LLC name.
The intention behind the Fictitious Name Registration Act is primarily to place on record the various names that individuals and corporations use to conduct business in this state. However, the other main objective is to notify the public as to these business names and who owns them.
The Purpose of a Fictitious Name States require filing fictitious business names because they help inform the public about who actually owns the company. A fictitious name filing puts a business's name and its owner's identity on public record.
Domestic Limited Liability Companies (489) Domestic Professional Limited Liability Companies (489) Certificate of Organization [489.201]$50.00Biennial Report [489.209] \u2013 submitted through Fast Track Filing$30.00Biennial Report [489.209] \u2013 submitted by paper$45.00Any Other Document$5.0012 more rows
Any \u201cdoing business as\u201d name registration has an effective lifespan of two years from the date it is filed with the Iowa Secretary of State. If you would like to continue using your fictitious name beyond the two-year point, you must renew your DBA with the Secretary of State's office before the expiration date.

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