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We've got more versions of the Tennessee fillable permanent parenting plan form form. Select the right Tennessee fillable permanent parenting plan form version from the list and start editing it straight away!
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2021 4.5 Satisfied (33 Votes)
2017 4.5 Satisfied (64 Votes)
2016 4.8 Satisfied (282 Votes)
2014 4 Satisfied (53 Votes)
2010 4.4 Satisfied (4929 Votes)
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Tennessee Code on Parental Restrictions, Unfit Parents The parent has engaged in willful abandonment that continues for an extended period of time. Physical or sexual abuse or a pattern of emotional abuse of the parent, child, or another person in the home has occurred.
Costs to expect For custody and paternity, costs range from $100 to $160. If you cannot afford to pay, you can file a Request to Postpone Filing Fees. In addition, you may have to pay a sheriff or process server to serve the defendant.
Under Tennessee law, when a child is born to parents who are married to one another, the husband is the legal father of the child at birth. Unmarried mothers who give birth automatically receive full custody of their child while unmarried fathers have to prove paternity.
Call an attorney to review your parenting plan and assess the situation. The attorney will advise you on whether or not the violation warrants filing a Petition for Contempt.
Changing or modifying your parenting plan or otherwise changing custody in Tennessee after a divorce requires asking the Court for a modification. In order to qualify for a modification of custody, the parent seeking the change must prove a change of circumstances which materially alters the child's well-being.
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People also ask

In Tennessee, according to Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-6-106, there are several factors which a family court judge must take into consideration when they are deciding child custody. Section 13 of the General Custody Provisions allows for \u201cThe reasonable preference of the child if twelve (12) years of age or older.
Although a child can never decide issues relating to custody or visitation, Tennessee law requires a court to consider the wishes of a child over the age of 12 when making visitation related decisions.
Parenting classes are required! The law requires all parents to attend a parenting class. Courts have different rules about when a parent must attend the class \u2013 prior to or after the parenting plan is approved.
Is Tennessee a mother or father state? Neither. Some fathers' rights activists may say it is a mother state because Tennessee does not have an equal parenting time presumption.
In Tennessee, an unmarried mother automatically has both physical and legal custody of the child until the father establishes paternity. However, once paternity is established, you have the same rights as any father does, under the law.

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