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The subpoena must be served 10 days after notice. (TRCP 205.2).
A subpoena may be: Issued by the clerk of the appropriate court. The issuing clerk provides the requesting party with an original subpoena form and a copy for each witness. The requesting party must complete the original subpoena and any witness copies with information particular to the individual request.
A subpoena may be served at any place within the State of Texas by any sheriff or constable of the State of Texas, or any person who is not a party and is 18 years of age or older. A subpoena must be served by delivering a copy to the witness and tendering to that person any fees required by law.
Under Texas law, an attorney may independently issue a subpoena in a pending lawsuit. In other words, a discovery or trial subpoena doesn't have to be issued directly by a judge.
Since a criminal subpoena is a court order, failing to comply can result in fines or time behind bars. In Texas, a judge has the discretion to fine a witness up to $500 in a felony case and $100 in a misdemeanor case for refusing to comply with a subpoena.
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Every subpoena must: (1) be issued in the name of the State of Texas; (2) state the style of the suit and its cause number; (3) state the court in which the suit is pending; (4) state the date on which the subpoena is issued; (5) identify the person to whom the subpoena is directed; (6) state the time, place, and ...
A subpoena may be issued by the clerk of the justice court or an attorney authorized to practice in the State of Texas, as an officer of the court.
The subpoena may be served at any place within the State of Texas by any sheriff or constable of the State of Texas, or any person who is not a party to the case and is 18 years of age or older. A subpoena must be served by delivering a copy to the witness.
A subpoena may be issued by the clerk of the justice court or an attorney authorized to practice in the State of Texas, as an officer of the court.
Every subpoena must be issued in the name of the "State of Texas" and must: (1) state the style of the suit and its case number; (2) state the court in which the suit is pending; (3) state the date on which the subpoena is issued; (4) identify the person to whom the subpoena is directed; (5) state the date, time, place ...

texas subpoena duces tecum form