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1. Historians use the term social history to refer to history that addresses the social aspects of a society or community, such as domestic relations or faith prac- tices. In the helping professions, \u201csocial history\u201d refers to the social life experiences of an individual.
To get to know a new patient as a person, it may be helpful to begin the history taking by asking questions related to the social history. This may help the patient feel more at ease and can help you in understanding risk factors and background information that may be essential in formulating a differential diagnosis.
The social history covers the patient's lifestyle, such as marital status, occupation, education, and hobbies. It may also include information about the patient's diet, use of alcohol or tobacco, and sexual history.
Along with the chance to connect with the patient as a person, the social history can provide vital early clues to the presence of disease, guide physical exam and test-ordering strategies, and facilitate the provision of cost-effective, evidence-based care.
Social History publishes articles that explain and analyse the operation of social behaviours, attitudes, roles, formations and structures, and processes of social and moral regulation. Social History is a journal for the academic community and for all those interested in the study of social change.
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Social history, sometimes described as the 'history of the people', or 'history from below', emerged as an alternative to conventional political history, both in terms of its objects of interest and its belief in deeprooted economic and social factors as agents of historical change.
Basics of history taking Chief concern (CC) History of present illness (HPI) Past medical history (PMH) including preexisting illnesses, medication history, and allergies. Family history (FH) Social history (SH) Review of systems (ROS)
A social history may include aspects of the patient's developmental, family, and medical history, as well as relevant information about life events, social class, race, religion, and occupation.
Social History: An age appropriate review of past and current activities (i.e. job, marriage, exercise, marital status, etc.)
Family History, social history, allergies, past medical history, history of present illness, chief complaint, review of systems, meds, past surgical history. Besides Tobacco/alcohol/drugs, what other main questions are given during a social history?

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