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The Rules of the City of New York §101-14 requires that backyard sheds meet the following requirements: Size: Up to 120 square feet \u2013 no permits needed. Above 121 square feet \u2013 plans, approval, and permits required. Height: Maximum 7 feet 6 inches.
If a tree on residential property presents a danger to persons or property, as determined in documentation (Tree Risk Assessment Report) by an ISA certified arborist, a tree removal application is not required. Please submit a copy of the tree risk assessment report to for our records.
A requirement for the construction of fences which are greater than 3 feet in height, measured from the finished grade which are also 10 feet of any street right of way or access easement or within 20 feet of a corner. CLIENT GROUP General Public. REQUIREMENTS ->Barangay Clearance. ->Photocopy of TCT.
A fence permit is required for the installation, replacement, or removal of any and all fencing on properties within the unincorporated areas of the Town of North Hempstead. The homeowner assumes all risks related to the of fencing on their property.
According to Title 18, Chapter 1, Section 18-129 of the New York City Administrative Code, it is illegal and punishable by law for citizens to remove, kill, or damage a street or park tree, whether intentionally or accidentally.
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People also ask

If a property owner wishes to hire a contractor to remove a tree located in the Town Right-of-Way or remove the tree themselves, they must apply for a Tree Permit. A fee of $25 is charged for a tree removal permit. Permits are not granted for the removal of healthy or growing trees.
No permit required for sheds or playhouses of 144 sf or less, and less than 8' in height unless there is more than one accessory structure on the property in which case the additional structures will require a permit. Suffolk County Health Department approval is required.
Resident Commuter Parking Permits are required for all Hempstead Town-maintained parking spaces in the Baldwin, Bellmore, Merrick, Seaford, and Wantagh LIRR commuter lots.
You may not cut down the tree. You need permission to enter the tree owner's property. You cannot injure the tree when trimming. Trimming may only occur up to the boundary line between properties.
A residential building permit is required for construction on all properties within the unincorporated areas of the Town of North Hempstead. The Online Application must be completed in its entirety and include a clear statement as to the scope of work proposed.

town of hempstead tree removal