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Partnerships that are required to file an NJ-CBT-1065 are subject to owing a nonresident partner tax. The nonresident partner tax is subject to the Corporation Business Tax Act. The Corporation Business Tax Act has a four-year statute of limitations (time allowed by law) for the Division of Taxation to send a bill.
CBT-100-V - Corporation Business Tax Payment Voucher.
Every corporation that has elected and qualifies pursuant to Section 1361 of the Internal Revenue Code and has qualified and been accepted as a New Jersey S corporation is required to file a CBT-100S (unless they elect to be part of a combined group).
In general, every corporation existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey is required to file a Corporation Business Tax return. 3. Derives income from this State; or 4. Employs or owns capital within this State; or 5.
A foreign corporation that owns a New Jersey partnership must file Form CBT-100S to claim the tax paid on their behalf by the part- nership. The foreign corporation cannot transfer the tax paid by the partnership on its behalf to any of its shareholders.
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People also ask

Partnerships that are required to file an NJ-CBT-1065 are subject to owing a nonresident partner tax. The nonresident partner tax is subject to the Corporation Business Tax Act. The Corporation Business Tax Act has a four-year statute of limitations (time allowed by law) for the Division of Taxation to send a bill.
CBT-100-V - Corporation Business Tax Payment Voucher.
These corporations must complete Form CBT-100S (or Form CBT-100U if they elected to be part of a combined group). Federal S corporations that have not elected and been au- thorized to be New Jersey S corporations must complete this return as though no election had been made under I.R.C.
Rates and Accounting Periods The Corporation Business Tax rate is 9% on adjusted entire net income or on the portion allocable to New Jersey. The rate is 7.5% for all corporations with entire net income of $100,000 or less. The rate is 6.5% for all corporations with entire net income of $50,000 or less.
(d) Send the completed return to: State of New Jersey, Division of Taxation, Corporation Tax, PO Box 666, Trenton, NJ 08646- 0666. Use the large preprinted envelope provided in this packet to mail the return.

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