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The wording of a general denial is straightforward and consistent, stating that the defendant denies \u201ceach and every allegation\u201d in the plaintiff's original complaint as well as \u201cany and all\u201d additions or amendments to the original petition.
Write your answer Only tell the court that you agree, disagree or you do not know if the statement is true. Lawyers usually write "the Defendant admits...," if you agree with the statement. They write "Defendant denies...," if you disagree with the statement.
A plaintiff is an individual or party that files a lawsuit. For example, in debt collection, the plaintiff is usually the creditor, debt collection company, organization, or any other entity the defendant owes money to. In this case, the defendant is the party being sued by the plaintiff.
File (turn in) your completed answer form with the court. To file online, go to E-File Texas and follow the instructions. To file in person, take your answer (and copies) to the district clerk's office in the county where the plaintiff filed the case.
Write your answer Only tell the court that you agree, disagree or you do not know if the statement is true. Lawyers usually write "the Defendant admits...," if you agree with the statement. They write "Defendant denies...," if you disagree with the statement.
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Answer: The defendant has 21 days to answer unless the defendant is the United States or an employee thereof. Then the answer is due in 60 days. The answer is filed with the Clerk of Court and the plaintiff is served a copy of it. Default judgment may be granted if the defendant does not file the answer timely.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING AND SERVING AN ANSWER TO A COMPLAINT (FORM MC 03) How do I file an Answer? Fill out the Answer form. Make four copies of the completed answer forms. File the Answer with the court. Serve the Answer. NOTE: You must bring all documents to the hearing to support what you checked on the answer form.
Take your written answer to the clerk's office. The clerk will take your documents and stamp each set of papers "filed" with the date. They will then give the copies back to you. One copy is for you to keep. The other copy you're responsible for delivering to the plaintiff (or their attorney).
The definition of a prosecutor is a lawyer who represents the people and who works for some type of government body, such as a District Attorney's office. A lawyer who takes legal action against someone accused of murder is an example of a prosecutor. A person who institutes a prosecution in court.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING AND SERVING AN ANSWER TO A COMPLAINT (FORM MC 03) How do I file an Answer? Fill out the Answer form. Make four copies of the completed answer forms. File the Answer with the court. Serve the Answer. NOTE: You must bring all documents to the hearing to support what you checked on the answer form.

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