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If you do not initially agree on all of the issues but end up settling your divorce, an uncontested divorce in Arizona can take anywhere between 60-days to 120-days in Maricopa County. It all depends upon how willing both spouses are to reach a reasonable settlement.
The process for obtaining orders for legal decision-making and parenting time officially begins when a parent files (opens) a case....Both may be referred to as litigants. Step 1: Complete forms. ... Step 2: Submit forms and pay filing fees. ... Step 3: Serve papers. ... Step 4: Wait for the other parent's response.
Generally, you can secure sole custody in one of two ways \u2013 through agreement with the other parent or through a court order. Our goal will be to achieve the custody arrangement that you want and the plan which meets the best interest of your child.
If you and your spouse do not agree on all of the issues in your divorce, the only practical way to get a quick divorce in Arizona is to hire a mediator or arbitrator to get you divorced fast.
Filing a Will or Probate Case If you do not have the original will, you must file a Formal Probate. The Probate Filing Counter is located at 201 W. Jefferson in Phoenix, or at our Southeast location, 222 E. Javelina in Mesa, or at our Northwest Regional Court Center location at 14264 W.
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How to Start Probate for an Estate Open the Decedent's Last Will and Testament. ... Determine Who Will be the Personal Representative. ... Compile a List of the Estate's Interested Parties. ... Take an Inventory of the Decedent's Assets. ... Calculate the Decedent's Liabilities. ... Determine if Probate is Necessary. ... Seek a Waiver of Bond.
Court records in Arizona are regarded as public records and, as such, may be accessed by the general public. The Arizona Public Record Law makes it the fundamental right of every Arizona resident to access public records. The purpose of this is to promote transparency and accountability by the government.
Requesting Copies (Copy Request Form) 50 per page for copy requests. The number of pages of a document may be ascertained by calling the Clerk's Office at (602) 452-6700 or by emailing the court at A certification fee of $17.00 is required if the request is for a Certified Copy of the document.
Superior Court eFiling The Arizona Judicial Branch offers the ability to eFile subsequent and case initiating family court documents for Maricopa County. You can learn more about eFiling in Family Law Cases here.
Requesting Copies (Copy Request Form) 50 per page for copy requests. The number of pages of a document may be ascertained by calling the Clerk's Office at (602) 452-6700 or by emailing the court at A certification fee of $17.00 is required if the request is for a Certified Copy of the document.

arizona family court forms