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2022 4.2 Satisfied (51 Votes)
2021 4.8 Satisfied (140 Votes)
2020 4.4 Satisfied (196 Votes)
2019 4.3 Satisfied (56 Votes)
2014 4.4 Satisfied (540 Votes)
2010 4 Satisfied (26 Votes)
2001 3.8 Satisfied (33 Votes)
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Form SSA-7050 | Request for Social Security Earnings Information.
You can receive a statement of your employment history from Social Security by completing a Request for Social Security Earnings Information form. You will receive detailed information about your work history including employment dates, employer names and addresses, and earnings.
Certified yearly earnings totals or an itemized earnings statement (certified or non-certified) can be obtained by completing the Request for Social Security Earnings Information (Form SSA-7050).
There is a form called the SSA-7050 which you can submit to Social Security for your client to get an itemized statement of their past earnings and employer information; however, it costs $92 to get this record. Here is a link to the SSA-7050: .
The Master Beneficiary Record contains information about each claimant who has applied for retirement, survivors, or disability benefits or who is to be enrolled in the Hospital Insurance or Supplementary Medical Insurance program.
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People also ask

Who needs an SSA Form 7050-F4? An individual taxpayer should file Form SSA-7050-F4 in case they want to obtain an itemized earnings statement (either certified or noncertified, including the names of employers) or certified yearly earnings totals, providing no employment details, only the earnings.
How to complete an SSA 7050 (Step by Step) Name. Social security number. Date of birth. Date of death. Other names used. Indicate which type of earnings information you need: Itemized statement of earnings ($91) Years requested. If you would like the information send to someone else, provide their name and address. Date.
$44.00 for certified yearly earnings totals. $100.00 for a non-certified detailed (itemized) earnings statement. $144.00 for a certified detailed (itemized) earnings statement.

form ssa 7050 f4