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02. Sign it in a few clicks
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How to modify Aflac claim forms online

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With DocHub, making adjustments to your documentation requires just a few simple clicks. Make these quick steps to modify the PDF Aflac claim forms online for free:

  1. Register and log in to your account. Log in to the editor with your credentials or click on Create free account to test the tool’s features.
  2. Add the Aflac claim forms for redacting. Click on the New Document button above, then drag and drop the file to the upload area, import it from the cloud, or via a link.
  3. Alter your file. Make any adjustments needed: insert text and pictures to your Aflac claim forms, underline details that matter, erase parts of content and replace them with new ones, and add symbols, checkmarks, and areas for filling out.
  4. Finish redacting the form. Save the modified document on your device, export it to the cloud, print it right from the editor, or share it with all the parties involved.

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Got questions?

We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
Contact us
To file a claim, simply select the appropriate claim form for your specific product and mail or fax it to us at the address on the form. Download the form. Fill it out. Send it in to: PO Box 60676, Worcester, MA 01606.
How long do I have to file a claim? A. There is a one-year timely filing provision in your certificate. Please review the provision and call us with any questions.
Accident claims checklist. Z2100711. Identify your policy. Policyholders address. What you need to file a claim. HCFA 1500 (non-hospital bill). ER report or operative report. (Please obtain the supporting documents for the corresponding benefit.) Proof of services. My Claims. MyAflac helpful tips: ▪
ACCIDENT SPECIFIC-SUM INJURIES BENEFITS: When a Covered Person receives treatment for Injuries sustained in a covered accident, Aflac will pay specified benefits ranging from $20$7,500 for dislocations, burns, skin grafts, eye injuries, lacerations, fractures, concussion, emergency dental work, coma, paralysis, and
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