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2023 4.6 Satisfied (46 Votes)
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Clothing NOT subject to Pennsylvania sales tax includes: \u201cWearing apparel,\u201d except formal apparel, sporting goods and clothing, and real or imitation fur articles (See more notable exceptions below) Accessories like aprons, gloves (as long as they are cloth or leather), belts, suspenders, scarves, ties.
Major items exempt from the tax include food (not ready-to-eat); candy and gum; most clothing; textbooks; computer services; pharmaceutical drugs; sales for resale; and residential heating fuels such as oil, electricity, gas, coal and firewood. The Pennsylvania sales tax rate is 6 percent.
A: In most states, certificates do not expire.
Pennsylvania Individuals. Exempt Organization Types. Charitable Organizations. Tax Exempt Organization Search. Educational Resources and Guidance. Churches and Religious Organizations. Private Foundations. Political Organizations. Other Nonprofits. Lifecycle of an Exempt Organization. Annual Filing and Forms.
The institution must issue an exemption certificate (REV-1220) to the seller in lieu of the payment of tax. Your organization may be required to file/register with the PA Department of State. The Department of State can be reached by calling (717) 787-1057 or through its web site at
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RETENTION: The seller or lessor must retain this certificate for at least four years from the date of the exempt sale to which the certificate applies. IMPORTANT: DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO THE PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE.
Major items exempt from the tax include food (not ready-to-eat); candy and gum; most clothing; textbooks; computer services; pharmaceutical drugs; sales for resale; and residential heating fuels such as oil, electricity, gas, coal and firewood. The Pennsylvania sales tax rate is 6 percent.
Pennsylvania does not recognize sales tax exemption forms from other states. Please refer to the department's regulation on exemption certificates.
RETENTION: The seller or lessor must retain this certificate for at least four years from the date of the exempt sale to which the certificate applies. IMPORTANT: DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO THE PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE.
To verify your Entity Identification Number, contact the e-Business Center at 717-783-6277.

pa sales tax exemption form