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See more Department of Labor and Workforce Development Forms - versions

We've got more versions of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development Forms - form. Select the right Department of Labor and Workforce Development Forms - version from the list and start editing it straight away!
Versions Form popularity Fillable & printable
2019 4.8 Satisfied (257 Votes)
2018 4.4 Satisfied (185 Votes)
2017 4.3 Satisfied (79 Votes)
2014 4.4 Satisfied (249 Votes)
2011 4.3 Satisfied (66 Votes)
2010 3.9 Satisfied (28 Votes)
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We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
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To be eligible for benefits, you must file a claim. Usually, your claim is dated the Sunday of the week you filed. If you believe your claim should be backdated, you'll need to tell us that over the phone, even if you submit your application online.
New Jersey Department of Labor. Division of Unemployment Insurance. P.O. Box 058. Trenton, NJ 08625-0058. Phone: (609) 292-7162. Fax: (609) 633-2884. E-Mail: Web Address:
Your NJ driver's license or NJ non-driver identification number. Pension information (if you are receiving any pension or 401k) Amount and duration of any separation pay you may be receiving. Recall date (if you expect to be recalled to your job)
BC3C - Notice to Claimant of Benefit Determination It will show you the amount of money you may collect each week (weekly benefit rate) and the total amount of money you may be entitled to collect during the one-year period that your claim is in effect (maximum benefit amount).
Family Responsibilities Discrimination (FRD), also called caregiver discrimination, is employment discrimination against workers based on their family caregiving responsibilities.
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People also ask

A redetermination is a periodic review of your eligibility to make sure that you are still eligible for a subsidy and if so, to determine whether you should continue to receive a full or partial subsidy.
Customer service agents at the numbers below can accept your Unemployment Insurance claim over the phone: North New Jersey: 201-601-4100. Central New Jersey: 732-761-2020. South New Jersey: 856-507-2340. Out-of-state claims: 888-795-6672 (you must call from a phone with an out-of-state area code) New Jersey Relay: 7-1-1.
Be sure to include your docket or social security number. Requests to reopen an appeal can be emailed to, faxed to (609) 292-2438, or mailed to PO Box 936, Trenton, NJ 08625-0936.
For more information about filing a claim, visit Click on Wage & Hour and go to the section on \u201cFile a Claim.\u201d Filing by e-mail: You may file your claim electronically by sending an e-mail to Wage & Hour and attaching this completed document in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format.
If you filed your claim online, you may check the status of your claim by going to (have your confirmation number available). If you filed a paper claim, call 609-292-2305 (have your claim number available).

what is frd on unemployment form