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Students who do not opt out will have their GPA submitted to the Commission to be considered for a Cal Grant award. By signing this form, I am electing not to have my school report my high school Cal Grant GPA information to the California Student Aid Commission for use in the Cal Grant application process.
-- A minimum 3.00 high school GPA, or minimum 2.40 college GPA is required for Cal Grant A; a minimum 2.00 GPA is required for Cal Grant B. California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) - Disqualification Fact Sheet main files file-attachments main files file-attachments
Email completed form to and paste G-4 3/2 Cal Grant GPA Verification Form in the Subject line. STUDENT INFORMATION SECTION. 1. Month/year of high school graduation: Enter the month and year you graduated, or plan to graduate from high school.
Instructions. All California residents must complete and submit the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). You will need to give this form to a high school official to have your GPA verified. Detailed instructions are available on the CSAC website.
How are GPAs to be calculated? Calculate the GPA on a 4.00 scale computed to two decimal places (between 0.00 and 4.00). Do not use a weighted scale. Convert any grades with extra weighting for honors and advanced placement classes to a 4.00 scale before calculating the GPA. Cal Grant Grade Point Average (GPA) Questions and Answers for High file-attachments hsgpaqa file-attachments hsgpaqa
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for ONE STOP access to check the status and manage your Cal Grant Award. To create a WG4S account go to . After you have created and signed into your account, you can claim your Cal Grant Award under the Cal Grant Section of the main page.
Renewal Cal Grant Student no GPA submission required. Not sure if your GPA was submitted? Check your Cal Grant Award Status in WebGrants 4 Students. Forms must be emailed or postmarked by the priority deadlines listed above to be considered on time. Cal Grant GPA Verification Form California Student Aid Commission (.gov) post cal-grant-gpa-verific California Student Aid Commission (.gov) post cal-grant-gpa-verific
Check with your school to make sure; if they dont automatically submit your GPA, download the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form or the Non-SSN GPA Verification form for Cal Grants (for undocumented students) and have your school submit it to the California Student Aid Commission. Apply for financial aid - UC Admissions - University of California apply-for-f apply-for-f

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