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Radiation workers are individuals authorized by the Radiation Safety Officer to work with radioactive materials and operate radiation-producing equipment or frequent controlled areas.
Radiation Protection Technicians monitor levels of radiation to protect personnel in nuclear power facilities and the surrounding environment. They use radiation survey instruments to measure levels in and around facilities and they oversee work to ensure appropriate protective measures are in place.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission The NRC is the Federal agency responsible protecting the health and safety of the public and the environment by licensing and regulating the civilian uses of the following radioactive materials: Source material (uranium and thorium)
Responsibilities: The primary function of the RCT is to provide field support to the Department/Organization where they are assigned with primary emphasis in Health Physics and radiological protection. Perform radiological surveys for areas and release of materials. Issue TLDs and review TLD exposure results.
In 1970, Congress gave EPA the responsibility for establishing generally applicable standards for the protection of human health and the environment from radioactive materials. EPA standards set protective limits on the radioactivity.
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Examples of commonly used PPE for radiation protection from X-rays and gamma rays include: Lead aprons or vests. Wearing lead aprons can reduce a workers radiation dose. Customized lead (or lead equivalent) aprons are available for a wide range of occupational settings and job tasks.
The purpose of radiation protection is to provide an appropriate level of protection for humans without unduly limiting the beneficial actions giving rise to radiation exposure.
Personal Protective Equipment. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used to prevent workers from becoming contaminated with radioactive material. It can be used to prevent skin contamination with particulate radiation (alpha and beta particles) and prevent inhalation of radioactive materials.

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