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Contact us
A complete list of Alaska Court System contact information is available on our website. Most court files are available for public inspection. Files in some proceedings, such as juvenile matters, are confidential and only parties to the case are allowed access to the file.
The four levels of courts in the Alaska Court System are the supreme court, the court of appeals, the superior court and the district court.
The Alaska Supreme Court is the highest level of state court in Alaska. It hears appeals from lower state courts and also administers the states judicial system.
The district courts are the primary misdemeanor trial courts, the superior courts are the primary felony trial courts although they also sometimes hear appeals from the district courts, and the supreme court and the court of appeals are the primary appellate courts. Alaska is separated into 4 judicial districts.
You may also contact the Alaska Court System at 907-274-8611 or you can look up your case status in COURTVIEW on the court website.

People also ask

Alaskas court system is a unified, centrally administered, and totally state-funded system. The Alaska Supreme Court and Alaska Court of Appeals are the states appellate courts; the superior courts and district courts serve as trial courts. Click a link for information about that court type.
Civil, Small Claims, Appeals, or Marriage Licenses - (907) 452-9267. Criminal - (907) 452-9289. Jury Office (907) 452-9225. Minor Offense or Traffic (907) 452-9238.
Alaskas court system is a unified, centrally administered, and totally state-funded system. The Alaska Supreme Court and Alaska Court of Appeals are the states appellate courts; the superior courts and district courts serve as trial courts. Click a link for information about that court type.

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