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Courts of Appeal In each Court of Appeal, a panel of 3 judges, called justices, decides appeals from trial courts.
The Commission on Judicial Conduct was established to help the Kansas Supreme Court exercise its authority in judicial disciplinary matters.
The Kansas Judicial Council is an independent agency in the judicial branch. The statutorily created council has ten members, eight of which are appointed by the chief justice. The council works to improve the administration of justice in Kansas by continuously studying the judicial system and related areas of law.
There are 31 judicial districts in Kansas, each with a varying number of judges.
There are 14 judges on the Court of Appeals, and they sit in panels of three to decide cases. In fiscal year 2022, the Court of Appeals resolved appeals in 1,060 cases, including 781 in which the court issued a formal written decision.

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He was appointed to the court by Governor Sam Brownback on January 12, 2013.
Back row left to right: Judge Angela Coble; Judge Lesley Ann Isherwood; Judge Sarah Warner; Judge Kathryn A. Gardner; Judge Amy Fellows Cline; Judge Jacy J. Hurst; and Judge Rachel Pickering.
Judge Henry W. Green Jr., a native of Leavenworth, earned his bachelor degrees from Kansas State University and a law degree from the University of Kansas School of Law. After a career in private practice of law and working for the federal bankruptcy court in Kansas, he was appointed to the Kansas Court of Appeals.

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