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A long-arm statute is a statute that allows for a court to obtain personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant on the basis of certain acts committed by an out-of-state defendant, provided that the defendant has a sufficient connection with the state.
long arm statute. A state statute that permits a state to exercise jurisdiction over nonresident defendants.
Under the Illinois long-arm, an individual (or corporation) is subject to the jurisdiction of Illinois courts if he transacts any business within the state; commits a tort within the state; owns, uses, or possesses any real estate within the state; or contracts to insure any person, property, or risk located within the
The New York Long-Arm Statute subjects a defendant to specific jurisdiction where the defendant: (1) transacts business within the state; (2) commits a tort within the state; (3) commits a tort outside the state causing injury within the state, if the defendant either, does or solicits business, or engages in any
When determining whether a defendant has minimum contacts with the forum, the Court has distinguished the types of contacts sufficient for a courts exercise of specific personal jurisdiction over the defendant from those contacts sufficient for its exercise, alternatively, of general jurisdiction.
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People also ask

In personam (personal) jurisdiction is the authority over a person, subject matter jurisdiction is the authority of the type of case, and in rem (property) is the authority over property.
A statute allowing a state to exercise personal jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant who has certain contacts with the state. For example, New Yorks long-arm statute generally gives its courts the power to exercise personal jurisdiction over non-New York residents who: Transact business within New York.
Long arm statute refers to the jurisdiction a court has over out-of-state defendant corporations. In order for a court to establish jurisdiction, it is necessary that the defendant corporation has a business relationship in a consistent and systematic way in the forum state. This is known as minimum contact.

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