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It does not cost anything to file for an order of protection. Many orders of protection cases are handled without a lawyer however it can often be helpful to have one represent you in court. How much does it cost to get an order of protection? Do I need a lawyer? laws orders-protection laws orders-protection
Restraining orders, also sometimes called protective orders, can be obtained in any state, but they can still be enforced when you or the protected person are in another state. If you have a restraining order issued against you in California, the order is still valid in other states, and you must adhere to it.
Will an Order of Protection Be on My Criminal Record? Yes, anytime someone runs a background check on you, they will see that you have had an order of protection taken out against you even if you are not criminally charged with anything. Orders of Protection | NYC Criminal Attorney domestic-violence orde domestic-violence orde
An Order of Protection issued in Family Court will not show up on a criminal background check, since cases in Family Court are not criminal cases. However, an Order of Protection issued in connection with a criminal case is a public record, and can be discovered in a criminal background check.
Any order of protection can order someone: To stay away from protected person and children and anywhere they frequent like work or school. Not to commit acts that would be harmful. To allow one party to go to residence with law enforcement to get their property. To return important documents to protected party.

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Full Order of Protection: A full order of protection means that the subject of the order of protection must stay completely away from you, your home, job and school, and must not abuse, harass, or threaten you. Orders of Protection - Resources Services - NYPD nypd services victim-services nypd services victim-services
An Order of Protection is a civil order granted by Family court that can. protect you from an abuser that is a spouse, ex-spouse, someone that you. have a child in common with, or someone of the opposite sex that you have. lived with.
If you believe the protection order was granted improperly or that it is no longer needed, you can file a motion asking the court to dissolve (terminate or cancel) the protection order. After you file the motion, the court will decide whether or not to schedule a hearing. Opposing, Modifying, Dissolving, Or Appealing A Protection Order self-help 226- self-help 226-

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