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Dochub is a perfect editor for modifying your documents online. Follow this straightforward guide to edit DR-359 - Alaska Court Records - State of Alaska in PDF format online for free:

  1. Sign up and sign in. Create a free account, set a secure password, and proceed with email verification to start working on your forms.
  2. Upload a document. Click on New Document and select the file importing option: add DR-359 - Alaska Court Records - State of Alaska from your device, the cloud, or a protected link.
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We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
Contact us
A complete list of Alaska Court System contact information is available on our website. Most court files are available for public inspection. Files in some proceedings, such as juvenile matters, are confidential and only parties to the case are allowed access to the file.
You may also contact the Alaska Court System at 907-274-8611 or you can look up your case status in COURTVIEW on the court website.
The Department of Public Safety, Criminal Records and Identification (RI) Bureau maintains Alaska Criminal Justice Information. Alaska Criminal Justice Information may be obtained by either submitting a request based on a name search or submitting the record subjects fingerprints.
Searching for Wills Use CourtView to search by name for wills deposited with any court in Alaska. Case numbers for wills end with a suffix of WI (example: 3AN-06-00001WI).
All records are open to the public, not only citizens. AS 40.25. 110 (a): Unless specifically provided otherwise, the public records of all public agencies are open to inspection by the public under reasonable rules during regular office hours.
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People also ask

A complete list of Alaska Court System contact information is available on our website. Most court files are available for public inspection. Files in some proceedings, such as juvenile matters, are confidential and only parties to the case are allowed access to the file.
Searching for Wills Use CourtView to search by name for wills deposited with any court in Alaska.
If you are seeking a complete, official State of Alaska criminal history report, contact the Department of Public Safety. Information is posted at: .

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