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Penalties and Sentencing A second conviction carries a minimum prison term of 20 days and a minimum fine of $3,000. The minimums continue to increase for multiple convictions. If a person has two previous convictions, a third DUI conviction could result in a class C felony.
Alaska Drunk Driving Laws Alaska law states that the legal alcohol limit within four hours of operating a motor vehicle is . 08% BAC. For all offenses, there is a possible penalty of mandatory attendance of a court-ordered alcohol program and a prohibition on using alcohol for a specific amount of time.
Alaska DUI law AS 28.35. 030 states that any person stopped while operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft while under the influence of alcohol, an inhalant or any controlled substance with a blood alcohol level of . 08% or greater is considered to be DUI.
DUI: Driving Under The Influence (of alcohol or other chemical substances). A DUI is a drunk driving charge under the State of Alaska Criminal Code. There is a separate drunk driving crime called a Felony DUI. OUI: Operating While Under The Influence (of alcohol or other chemical substances).
For a defendant with two or more prior convictions for DUI, Refusal, or DUI-CMV (in any combination, within ten years and since January 1, 1996) a third DUI or Refusal is a felony, charged by grand jury indictment and tried in superior court by a jury of twelve.
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For a defendant with two or more prior convictions for DUI, Refusal, or DUI-CMV (in any combination, within ten years and since January 1, 1996) a third DUI or Refusal is a felony, charged by grand jury indictment and tried in superior court by a jury of twelve.
PENALTIES FOR DRINKING-DRIVING OFFENSES: For third conviction within 15 years: 60-day to one-year jail term; $4,000 to $10,000 fine; 3-year license revocation; vehicle forfeiture. For fourth conviction within 15 years: 120-day+ jail term; $5,000 to $10,000 fine; 10-year license forfeiture; vehicle forfeiture.
Jail Time and Fines for Alaska DUI Convictions 1st Offense2nd OffenseJail72 hours to one year20 days to one yearFines$1,500 to $25,000$3,000 to $25,000

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