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No, Colorado does not require spouses to be legally separated before filing for divorce. However, at least one spouse must have lived in Colorado for 91 days before filing. How To File For Divorce In Colorado (2023 Guide) - Forbes advisor legal colorado-div advisor legal colorado-div
Simply fill out the response form, telling the court why you disagree with the other partys position. When you file the response, you will be asked to pay a filing fee. You do not need to prove your case in the response; you simply need to tell the court what you believe to be true.
Finally, once a legal separation has been issued, either party can convert it to a decree of dissolution after six months has passed, usually with the same terms as the legal separation. C.R.S. 14-10-120. Legal Separation - Colorado Family Law Guide Colorado Family Law Guide divorce lega Colorado Family Law Guide divorce lega
Under Colorado law, it is possible to finalize an uncontested divorce in under 90 days.
In general, the answer is no. It does not make any difference to the Colorado judges if you decide to take matters to the courtroom. However, there may be a few tactical advantages: You will have your attorney upfront.

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After you mail or hand-deliver JDF 1321 to your spouse, complete the Certificate of Service part of the form and then file ALL of your forms (JDF 1321 Motion to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Marriage, JDF 1322 Order to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Self Help - Legal Separation - Colorado Judicial Branch SelfHelp legalseparation SelfHelp legalseparation
If a couple wants to reconcile, they may do so. However, they are legally separated until they go through the courts again to have the decree of separation revoked. In this case, each spouse signs a document indicating they want to end their separation and reconcile. What You Should Know About Marital Reconciliation In Colorado blog what- blog what-
4 Steps to Converting a Legal Separation to a Divorce in Colorado Step 1 Figure out when you can file your paperwork with the court. Step 2 Determine where the paperwork should be filed. Step 3 Complete the necessary forms and provide a copy of them to your former partner. Step 4 File the forms with the court.