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Arabian, Barb, Iberian and Chickasaw stock is known to have had a strong influence on the Quarter Horse, which combines the speed, strength, hardiness and compact build of these breeds. The Thoroughbred stallion, Janus, is considered the foundation stallion of the Quarter Horse line.
Each is suited to a different purpose and has a slightly different appearance. Stock Quarter Horses tend to be smaller and stockier; racing and hunter Quarter Horses are usually lean with longer legs; while halter Quarter Horses are large and docHubly more muscular.
In 1752, John Randolph of Virginia imported a grandson of The Godolphin Arabian, called Janus. When Janus was bred to Colonial mares bearing the blood of the Chickasaw horse, the result was the prototype of the American Quarter Horse.
Quarter Horses are stock horses with relatively short stature and heavy muscular development. Most Quarter Horses are between 14 and 16 hands tall, with a typical weight of 900 to 1200 pounds. Characteristic features of the American Quarter Horse include a short, wide head with small ears and a deep, broad chest.
Inducted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2011, First Down Dash is arguably the greatest race sire of all time. From 32 crops to race, First Down Dash has sired 1,469 winners, which includes 259 stakes winners.
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People also ask

What is the average lifespan of a quarter horse? Quarter horses generally live between 25 and 35 years old.
Each is suited to a different purpose and has a slightly different appearance. Stock Quarter Horses tend to be smaller and stockier; racing and hunter Quarter Horses are usually lean with longer legs; while halter Quarter Horses are large and docHubly more muscular.
The American Quarter Horse descends from Spanish and English horses that were imported into the American colonies in the 1600s. These horses were crossed with native breeds, including the Chickasaw horse and the Mustang.

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