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With DocHub, making changes to your paperwork takes only some simple clicks. Follow these fast steps to edit the PDF Fence permit application - Village of South Elgin, Illinois online free of charge:

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See more fence permit application - Village of South Elgin, Illinois versions

We've got more versions of the fence permit application - Village of South Elgin, Illinois form. Select the right fence permit application - Village of South Elgin, Illinois version from the list and start editing it straight away!
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2018 4.3 Satisfied (35 Votes)
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Permit Process Submit permit application by emailing This email inbox will be monitored in real time by community development staff during regular business hours. Make sure to provide accurate contact information including your email address and phone number so staff can contact you.
Projects That Do Not Need Permits Replacement of ovens, refrigerators, washers or dryers when there will be no new electrical or plumbing work. Interior and exterior painting - see note. Installation of or replacement of carpeting - see note.
Homeowners are not permitted to do any electrical service upgrades, a licensed electrician must do the work.
A permit is required for all unincorporated properties for fences constructed of any material at any height. 1. Complete the application in its entirety where applicable. Be sure to print your name, address, email, phone number and include the property index number (PIN).
Ordinary repairs are normally exempted from permit requirements, but any major project like interior or exterior remodeling, building an extension or a deck, installing a swimming pool, and construction of sheds or detached garages over a certain size do require permits and are usually subject to city inspection.
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People also ask

Ethical Contractors Pull Permits Every contractor has their process for pulling permits before a project, but the most ethical route is for the business to pull the permit. Legitimate contractors and subcontractors take this route because they dont want someone elses name on their work.
Decking: 1 or 2 inch nominal thickness is required depending on the floor joists spacing. 1 inch decking is required on joists spacing up to 16 inches on center. 2 inch decking is required on joist spacing up to 24 inches on center.
Projects That Do Not Need Permits Replacement of ovens, refrigerators, washers or dryers when there will be no new electrical or plumbing work. Interior and exterior painting - see note. Installation of or replacement of carpeting - see note.
1. Construction: a) All concrete for exterior use must be a minimum of 4000 psi air entrant concrete. b) Concrete driveways must have a minimum of 4 of compacted gravel with 4 of concrete. Total thickness of paving surface must be a minimum of 8.
Projects That Do Not Need Permits Replacement of ovens, refrigerators, washers or dryers when there will be no new electrical or plumbing work. Interior and exterior painting - see note. Installation of or replacement of carpeting - see note.

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