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See more 2014 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X) versions

We've got more versions of the 2014 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X) form. Select the right 2014 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X) version from the list and start editing it straight away!
Versions Form popularity Fillable & printable
2022 4.5 Satisfied (58 Votes)
2021 4.8 Satisfied (125 Votes)
2020 4.3 Satisfied (67 Votes)
2019 4.3 Satisfied (219 Votes)
2018 4.3 Satisfied (121 Votes)
2017 4.1 Satisfied (91 Votes)
2016 4 Satisfied (57 Votes)
2014 4.4 Satisfied (179 Votes)
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Where do I mail my personal income tax (PA-40) forms? For RefundsPA DEPT OF REVENUE REFUND OR CREDIT REQUESTED 3 REVENUE PLACE HARRISBURG PA 17129-0003For Balance DuePA DEPT OF REVENUE PAYMENT ENCLOSED 1 REVENUE PLACE HARRISBURG PA 17129-00012 more rows Feb 6, 2023
The estimated tax rules apply to: Resident estates or trusts; and Nonresident estates or trusts that expect to have taxable income from sources within Pennsylvania. 100 percent of the product of multiplying the net PA taxable income shown on the 2020 PA-41 return by 3.07 percent (0.0307).
If you have already received our approval for the return, you cannot amend your return. Instead, you may file a petition with the departments Board of Appeals (if within 60 days of your approval
(b) The Department will review an amended return if the following apply: (1) The amended return is filed within 3 years of the due date or extended due date of the original return. (2) The amendments shown on the amended return involve issues other than those under appeal.
The fiduciary of an estate or trust is required under Pennsylvania law to file a PA-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return, and pay the tax on the taxable income of such estate or trust. If two or more fiduciaries are acting jointly, the return may be filed by any one of them.

People also ask

Yes. If you need to amend your 2020, 2021 or 2022 Forms 1040 or 1040-SR you can now file Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return electronically using available tax software products.
Description:You cannot eFile a PA Tax Amendment anywhere, except mail it in. However, you can prepare it here on Option 1: Sign into your account, modify your Return and download/print your PA-40 under My Account.
Prepare Your Amended Return with HR Block Software Click Take Me To in the top right corner. Scroll down to Miscellaneous. Choose Amended Return (Form 1040X) and click Go To. You can now follow the prompts with the program to complete your amended return, or you can read on to follow the step-by-step directions.

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