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There are some medical conditions that could prevent you from being a living donor . These include having uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, HIV, hepatitis, or acute infections . Having a serious mental health condition that requires treatment may also prevent you from being a donor .
There are some medical conditions that could prevent you from being a living donor . These include having uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, HIV, hepatitis, or acute infections . Having a serious mental health condition that requires treatment may also prevent you from being a donor .
Risks and Benefits of Living Kidney Donation Pain. Infection (such as pneumonia or wound infection) Blood clot. Reaction to anesthesia. Death (Worldwide mortality rate for living kidney donors is 0.03% to 0.06%) Conversion to open nephrectomy. Need for re-operation (such as for bleeding) Re-admission to hospital.
The donors remaining kidney provides the necessary function needed to remove waste from the donors body for the rest of his/her life. A part of the liver can also be donated by a living donor as the liver is capable of regenaration. Other organs like heart, brain, etc. cannot be harvested from a living donor.
Exclusion. You may not be eligible to receive a kidney transplant due to: The presence of some other life-threatening disease or condition that would not improve with transplantation. This could include certain cancers, infections that cannot be treated or cured, or severe, uncorrectable heart disease.
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People also ask

Medical conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, certain infections, or an uncontrolled psychiatric condition, could prevent you from being a living donor.
Do any medical conditions exclude someone from becoming an organ donor? Yes, some conditions such as an actively spreading cancer or infection, or heart disease, may prevent a person from becoming a donor. But you can still sign up as an organ donor regardless of any preexisting or past medical conditions.
Do any medical conditions exclude someone from becoming an organ donor? Yes, some conditions such as an actively spreading cancer or infection, or heart disease, may prevent a person from becoming a donor. But you can still sign up as an organ donor regardless of any preexisting or past medical conditions.

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