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However, Wisconsin is considered a landlord-friendly state due to its lack of rent control laws. This means local governments cant enact rent control or regulate the rent or fees charged for a rental unit, allowing landlords to charge amounts based on market rates.
Tenants in Wisconsin have the right to exclusive possession of their apartment. This means that a landlord cannot enter without advance notice (or whatever terms are in your lease about entry): Entry must be at reasonable times and for three reasons (Maintenance, to show your place, an emergency).
The landlord cannot change the locks, throw the tenants stuff out, or take any other action without this court order. The sheriff is the only person who can physically remove the tenant.
A provision in a lease of residential property that the lease shall be automatically renewed or extended for a specified period unless the tenant or either party gives notice to the contrary prior to the end of the lease is not enforceable against the tenant unless the lessor, at least 15 days but not more than 30 days
In other words, a landlord is either disrupting their right to quiet enjoyment or hostilely forcing the tenant to take some action. This could include vacating the property or not filing a complaint that they have a legal right to.
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People also ask

Removal from premises The landlord may not confiscate your personal belongings, turn off your utilities, lock you out of your apartment, or use force to remove you. If the small claims court judge rules in the landlords favor, the judge may issue a court order requiring you to leave the property.
Month-to-month tenants may be given either a written 5-Day Quit or Pay Rent Notice or a 14- day written notice to vacate the property. 5-day Notice. This written notice from the landlord gives the tenant five days to pay rent or move out within the five days. If the tenant pays, the tenancy continues.
A Wisconsin month-to-month rental agreement, or tenancy-at-will, is a lease that continues until terminated by either the landlord or tenant. When terminating, at least twenty-eight (28) days notice will be required. The sender is recommended to use certified mail with a return receipt from the USPS.

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