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See more colorado legal form versions

We've got more versions of the colorado legal form form. Select the right colorado legal form version from the list and start editing it straight away!
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2014 4.8 Satisfied (207 Votes)
2012 4.2 Satisfied (50 Votes)
2006 4.4 Satisfied (89 Votes)
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How to File For a Motion to Enforce Download and complete the required forms. These are available online on the Colorado court website. File the completed forms with the court. Provide the other party with a copy of the motion by mail. Wait for further updates from the court on hearings or direct rulings.
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is a division of the states Department of Public Safety that is the central repository of public criminal records, including arrests, in the state. Public criminal records are available online through CBIs Internet Criminal History Check System (ICHC).
Accessing PACER: Internet access is available at or at the PACER website .
Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. Register for a PACER account.
This type of case has either a JV (Dependency and Neglect, Truancy, Child Support or Paternity), JD (Juvenile Delinquency), JR (Relinquishment) or JA (Adoption) in its case number.

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Citizens can also find some state court records through the Colorado Court Records website and instructions about how and where to access other case documents. The Colorado Court Records website provides resources for viewing and obtaining court records in ance with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA).
Case Class Types: CR: These are criminal case filings that involve someone who was charged or arrested for a felony level offense and may include additional misdemeanor charges.
All Colorado CHRI is accessible to the public with the following exceptions: Juvenile arrests (17 years and younger) except when adjudicated as an adult. Traffic arrests under the age of 16 (15 years and younger). Arrests sealed by court order.

colorado affirmation of legal work