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Open burning is any time you light an outdoor fire without a chimney or stack.
Ohio Revised Code 1503.18 prohibits most open burning in unincorporated areas in March, April, May, October, and November between 6am and 6pm.
What Is The Best Fuel To Use For Open Fires? Hardwood. This is wood that has a high density, for example, Oak, Beech and Elm. Seasoned Logs. Seasoned wood has been allowed to dry out for a season before it is used. A Bed of Ash. Generally, a coal fire should be cleaned every day. The Way you build your Fire.
An open fire is a fire in which material is burned in an open, outdoor area or in a receptacle without a stack or chimney. Items such as household trash, tires, roofing material and treated lumber are prohibited from burning in an open fire.
O.A.C. 3745.19 is enforced by the Ohio EPA EPA notification is required for many types of open burns in Ohio. Call 614-644-2270 with questions or visit: openburning.

People also ask

(L) Open burning means the burning of any materials wherein air contaminants resulting from combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or chimney.
What is Open Burning? ing to the Division of Environmental Quality, open burning is when any materials are burned and which air contaminants are released directly into the air rather than passing through a chimney or a stack.
(L) Open burning means the burning of any materials wherein air contaminants resulting from combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or chimney.

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