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See more December 2017 S-211-SST Wisconsin Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Exemption Certificate and versions

We've got more versions of the December 2017 S-211-SST Wisconsin Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Exemption Certificate and form. Select the right December 2017 S-211-SST Wisconsin Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Exemption Certificate and version from the list and start editing it straight away!
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2022 4.4 Satisfied (41 Votes)
2010 4 Satisfied (20 Votes)
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We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
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How much is sales tax in Wisconsin? The base state sales tax rate in Wisconsin is 5%. Local tax rates in Wisconsin range from 0% to 0.6%, making the sales tax range in Wisconsin 5% to 5.6%.
A clearance certificate may be requested by either the seller or the purchaser of a business or their representative after the sale is complete to ensure that the seller has filed all sales and use tax returns and paid all sales and use taxes due.
(a) Continuous or blanket exemption certificates do not expire and need not be renewed at any prescribed interval. However, they should be renewed at reasonable intervals in case of a business change, registration number change, or discontinuance of the specific business claiming the exemption.
To apply for exempt status, the State of Wisconsin requires that you complete Wisconsin Department of Revenue Form S-211 (Wisconsin Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate). The effective date of the sales tax exemption is the date the form is signed. We cannot determine your taxable status.
Wisconsin Go to the Wisconsin DOR My Tax Account page. Under Businesses click Search account number/filing frequency On the next page, choose Sales and Use Tax Choose the type of ID number your buyer provided (Usually Wisconsin Tax ID Number but may be Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number)
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People also ask

A Certificate of Exempt Status (CES) number helps retailers identify organizations that qualify to make purchases exempt from Wisconsin sales and use tax. The Department of Revenue issues CES numbers to qualifying organizations.
ContentArea1. ​​​You may use the electronic certificate (S-211E) to claim an exemption from Wisconsin state, county, baseball stadium, local exposition, and premier resort sales or use taxes.
A fully completed certificate must include (1) the complete name and address of the purchaser, (2) general description of the purchasers business (type of business), (3) reason for exemption, and (4) signature of purchaser unless the certificate is received electronically.

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