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Probate Code section 13100 provides for the collection or transfer of a decedents personal property without the administration of the estate or probate of the will.
Affidavit re Real Property of Small Value This procedure can only be used after 6 months have passed since the date of death. Once the affidavit is filed with the superior court, a certified copy is then recorded in the county where the real estate is located.
Probate Code 13100 13115 provide for a summary procedure to transfer the personal property of a decedent without going through a probate action if the decedents estate is valued at less than $150,000 and at least forty (40) days have elapsed since the death of the decedent.
This form may be used to collect the unclaimed property of a decedent without procuring letters of administration or awaiting probate of the decedents will if you are entitled to the decedents property under Section 13101 of the California Probate Code.
Code 13100-13116, the person(s) entitled to the property may present a Small Estate Affidavit, commonly known as an Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property, to the person or institution having custody of the property, requesting that the property be delivered or transferred to the successor.
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Code 13100-13116, the person(s) entitled to the property may present a Small Estate Affidavit, commonly known as an Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property, to the person or institution having custody of the property, requesting that the property be delivered or transferred to the successor.
In order to settle a qualifying property, you should file a small estate affidavit California form 13101. This document allows a petitioner to transfer the unclaimed property of a deceased if the petitioner is entitled to the deceaseds assets ing to Section 13101 of the California Probate Code.
ing to the California probate code 890, 13000 - to be considered a small estate and avoid probate, the total value of all real property and personal property cannot exceed $184,500.

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