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accurate patient medication information. Goal 6: Reduce patient harm associated with clinical alarm systems.
Goal 1: Identify patients correctly. Goal 2: Improve effective communication. Goal 3: Improve the safety of high-alert medications. Goal 4: Ensure safe surgery.
Hear this out loud PauseProperly engaging patients, driving patient satisfaction, and listening to patients are critical to supporting patient safety initiatives. Likewise, clinicians must make sure patients and their caregivers are knowledgeable about their care and can help prevent medical errors from falling through the cracks.
The Universal Protocol (UP1) explains how to prevent a procedure on a wrong patient, wrong side and wrong site. It ensures that the correct surgery is done on the correct patient and at the correct site on the patients body.
5 Ways RNs Can Improve Patient Care Deliver Individualized Patient Care. If you walk down the hall of any nursing unit, you will likely hear nurses refer to the CHF patient in Room 12 rather than simply calling the patient by their name. Empower Towards Self-Care. Show Compassion. Advance Your Education. Offer Empathy.

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20172023 versions Goal 1: Identify patients correctly. Goal 2: Improve effective communication. Goal 3: Improve the safety of high-alert medications. Goal 4: Ensure safe surgery. Goal 5: Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections. Goal 6: Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls.
➢ Goal Six - Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls.
What are the International Patient Safety Goals? Goal One: Identify patients correctly. Goal Two: Improve effective communication. Goal Three: Improve the safety of high-alert medications.
Hear this out loud PauseEducating patients For example, the study found that 59.2% of cardiac patients had a misunderstanding of the indication, dose, or frequency of their medication. Educating patients about their post-discharge care is a simple yet effective example of how nurses can improve patient safety.
Some of the most common problems that occur when providing health care are: Adverse drug events. Burns. Equipment failure. Failure to provide prophylactic treatment. Falls. Improper transfusions. Misdiagnosis, delay in diagnosis, or failure to utilize the appropriate test as well as a failure to act on the laboratory result.

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