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Municipalities may generally impose tax on on wages, salaries, and other compensation earned by residents and by nonresidents who work in the municipality. The tax also applies to the net profits of business attributable to activities in the municipality, and to the net profits from rental activities.
The minimum combined 2023 sales tax rate for Akron, Ohio is 6.75%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates.
Any taxpayer engaged in business must file an annual return, even if a loss is claimed on the business. Individual taxpayers seeking a refund for taxes withheld should complete Form IR-25. A declaration of estimated city income tax is required for all individuals whose tax is not fully withheld.
What is the sales tax rate in Akron, Ohio? The minimum combined 2023 sales tax rate for Akron, Ohio is 6.75%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Ohio sales tax rate is currently 5.75%.
The City of Akron Income Tax Division collects and administers the Akron City Income Tax as well as the Income Tax for the following four Joint Economic Development Districts: Bath Fairlawn Akron JEDD.
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The new tax rate of 2.5% is effective January 1, 2018 for the city of Akron as well as the four JEDDs. All residents and partial year residents 18 years of age and older are required to file a tax return regardless of whether or not any tax is due.
The City of Akron Income Tax Division collects and administers the Akron City Income Tax as well as the Income Tax for the following four Joint Economic Development Districts: Bath Fairlawn Akron JEDD.
All Akron residents must file annual city income tax returns by April 15th of each year, whether or not they have been fully withheld and/or have paid a municipal income tax to another community. Akrons income tax is also levied on the wages of all non-residents who work in Akron.

akron city tax forms