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The amount of tax withheld from your pay depends on what you earn each pay period. It also depends on what information you gave your employer on Form W-4 when you started working. This information, like your filing status, can affect the tax rate used to calculate your withholding.
A tax year is an annual accounting period for keeping records and reporting income and expenses. An annual accounting period does not include a short tax year. The tax years you can use are: Calendar year 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
Question: Is the Liability Date for the taxes determined by the Pay Period End Date, or the Paycheck Date? Answer: ing to IRS Publication 15, which covers payroll taxes, no matter when the wages were earned, the Liability Date for the taxes is based on the date of the paycheck.
The tax years you can use are: Calendar year 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31. Fiscal year 12 consecutive months ending on the last day of any month except December.
Calendar year accounting period is the accounting period that uses the calendar year, which is the common Gregorian calendar, and begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
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People also ask

You are not being taxed on the work you perform. You are being taxed on the money you receive. If you didnt get the money in a particular year, you would not claim it as income. Consider that some employers may neglect to pay, especially if the company is having financial difficulties.
Calendar Tax Year: This is a period of 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31; or. Fiscal Tax Year: This is a period of 12 consecutive months ending on the last day of any month except December.
Your W-2 does not reflect your fiscal year salary; it reflects taxable, calendar year wages. The fiscal dates that your W-2 covers are from 12/16/21 6/30/22 (13 pay periods) and 07/01/22 12/15/22 (11 pay periods).

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