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2016 4.8 Satisfied (38 Votes)
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We use this time to review and process your application for benefits. You will not receive benefits during this period. This is why you may see your claim status as pending.
However, if it has been more than 10 days and you have not heard anything, you can send us a secure message from your online account. Sign in at and click on the envelope icon on your My Online Services page. You can also call the Telephone Claims Center toll-free at (888) 209-8124.
However, you must still claim credit for your waiting week in the same way that you claim weekly benefits. You can claim weekly benefits either online at or by calling our Tel-Service toll-free number at 888-581-5812. We recommend that you use our online system.
Call our Telephone Claims Center toll-free at 888-209-8124.
If you are eligible, It typically takes 3-6 weeks to begin receiving UI benefits. Complex claims, claims missing information, claims being adjudicated, and hearings will take longer. Before receiving benefits on a new UI claim, you must serve an unpaid waiting period that equals one full week (four days) of benefits.

People also ask

You may be denied benefits if you: Were fired because you violated a company policy, rule or procedure, such as absenteeism or insubordination. Quit your job without good cause, such as a compelling personal reason.
Write: Mail your request to Unemployment Insurance Division, NYS Dept of Labor, PO Box 4320, Binghamton NY 13902 Be sure to write your Social Security number on your request.
You should call the Telephone Claims Center right away, at 888-209-8124. Call during the hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. (Please note that you may have difficulty docHubing a representative when there is high call volume.)

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